Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Sauce

so it occurred to me the other day that i have basically been on a 17-day bender. working in a bar four nights a week and then going out to other bars the three nights i'm off is the perfect formula for alcoholism. therefore i've decided to go on the wagon for one week, mainly to see if it's possible. today marks day four and truthfully i feel like licking a bum just for some of the run off. but i'm gonna stick with it, because i'm a disciplined individual, and god willing, i'll come out of this thing alive - and just in time for my 30th birthday next week, which may just be the greatest bender in the history of forever.
thank you for listening and god bless you.


Anonymous said...

hows that working out for you?

Anonymous said...

don't be a pussy.

Unknown said...

God Bless you. I'm 7 days sober myself. The hangover after your 30th is going to hurt like a motherf*@&er , though.

Tante du Beurre said...

Good luck with that. As you know you hail from a long line of serious swillers. Remember Lake Merwyn when the only sounds you'd hear in the wee morning hours were birds and the crack of a cheap can of beer? good times....